5.02.2005apparently, i have way too much time on my hands
hello, everyone, and welcome to a special episode of piper's pit! here with me today are brutus "the barber" beefcake and "mean" gene okerlund.
great to be here roddy. hey, roddy! so, mene gene. did you see the new episode of family guy last night? of course i did! i was definitely not disappointed. how about you, brutus? i laughed my frikkin' ass off! i wonder if anyone else saw it... what's up, brah! i saw it. stewie was classic! that little bugger is funny as hell. i know, hitman! he's the funniest motherfucker on tv. oops, can i say "tv?" well, i like brian the best. he's such a funny dog. that ass on the rug thing was great. wait, you like the stupid dog better than stewie? yeah. wanna make something of it? bring it on, douchebag! c'mon, boys, knock it off! CAPTAIN LOU!! that's right, sluts. the mothereffing captain is here. looks like we got a good one brewing here, folks! ooh, the captain, i'm shakin' in my feather boa. omfg. it's adorable adonis. dude, your a fat blob who wears pink, get over it. um, helllllllllooooooooooooo! pink is the new hotness for guys. i've always been partial to pink, myself. yeah, but you don't have a pussy nickname. did somebody say "pussy?" it's the junkyard dog! konichiwa, bitches. what up, dog? HAHA! "dog!" get it? puny man not funny. ANDRE THE GIANT!!!!! it's not a tumah... um, duder, i think that's schwarzenegger. here is sub-zero. now PLAIN zero! hey guys! um, why is andre talking like arnold? look, everyone, it's ricky "the dragon" steamboat! man, this is crazy! what's going on here? who's gonna show up next? SNAP INTO A SLIM JIM!!! oh no. someone seriously punch that dick. i eat green berets for breakfast. dude. weak. so where are all the beautiful babies? shit. the mouth of the south is here. that's right, baby! wooooooo! me and the JYD are gonna get us some punani! wu-tang respresent. all right guys, seriously, this is starting to get out of control... hey, brother! hulkster? i'm just here for all my little hulkamaniacs out there! you've just been erased. andre, you're not arnold and you can't act. knock the shit off. at least i wasn't in mr. nanny you little pansy ass. did someone say "pansy ass?" koko, i swear, if that damn bird shits on me again, i'm gonna fry that little fucker. but, roddy, i'm koko b. ware. this parrot is more than a mascot. he's my friend! shut the fuck up, koko. but... SHUT THE FUCK UP, KOKO!!!! by the power of grayskull, I HAVE THE POWER!! ... ... ... crap. wrong show. allrighty then. looks like that's all the time we have for today, folks. see you next time! shit. you mean there's gonna be a "next time?" i'll be back! |
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