2.14.2005it's time we had a little chat
hi, blog. this just isn't working for me anymore. something needs to change. i don't know if it's the template, or that i don't have the motivation to devote the necessary amount of time to you, but i can't keep going on like this.
i want to write, but i lost most of my readers, and i'm not down with resurrecting this blog in its current state. i refuse, however, to say that this is it. to call it "the end." to bid adieu. it might be a long time before i write again, it might be a short time. i may peridoically throw some haphazard thoughts up here if need be. i may not. i will be back, though. and RTW will be stylin' and profilin'. in fact, i am making a commitment to my entire website. it's time that i got it going the way i want it. of course, it will take a while. this is not going to be done in a week or two. but when it's ready, everyone will know. muaah. muuuuaaaahhh. MUUUUUUUUAAAHHHAAAAHAAAAAA!! oh, and by the way, valentine's day licks snuffleupagus dick. |
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