8.29.2004are the f*&!#g olympics over yet?
another summer olympics, another two weeks of controversy, failure, and triumph. now that it's almost finally over, i can officially say with great conviction, "eh."
the u.s. basketball team didn't win gold for the first time since they started using nba players. so what? does anyone really care? maybe, had we not won bronze, i could see why people would get a little upset. team italy, by the way, which is my "other" home team when i'm watching international sports, took the silver. paul hamm, the gymnast who won the gold in the all-around competition, was asked to give his medal back by the international gymnastics federation (FIG). paul hamm refused, and rightfully so. FIG wanted him to give the medal back as a show of sportsmanship, but i have a suggestion for FIG: make sure your judges can count all the way up to 10. let's see... what else... oh yeah, some crazy irish little-boy-fucker, or "priest," if you prefer, ran out onto the marathon course and pushed the leader of the race into the crowd. the guy ended up finishing third and getting the bronze medal, but how fucked up is that? seriously, something needs to be done about stupid people having kids. speaking of stupid... what i want to know is, "how many stabs with a railroad spike does it take to get to the center of that idiot's brain?" hmmm, what other inane bullshit can i write... i was watching a volkswagen commercial today. there's a little kid in the car with his dad. the kid keeps asking, "dad, what does this do? and this? and this?" you get the point. so, finally, the kid points to the button for the emergency flashers and asks what it does. the dad says,"it's a warp speed button, so whatever you do don't push it." so, of course, the kid pushes it. then the dad floors it and we all have a good laugh. actually, i'm laughing so hard right now just thinking about it, i'm losing all control over my ability to tyeop[fjpswjepdjfpkwj whew, sorry, all better now. anyway, the point i'm trying to make is how come cigarette companies are getting sued left and right for advertising to kids (amongst other things), and video game companies are getting shit for marketing violent games to minors, and fast food reastaurant are getting sued for turning already fat people into human grease balloons, but car companies don't get in trouble for coercing people to speed? how come clothing designers and fashion magazines don't get sued for inspiring girls to be anorexic and bolemic? why doesn't the entertainment media get sued for glamorizing excessive drug and alochol use? how come i can't sue reality television producers for turning half of the people i know into complete retard morons (whereas before they were only partial)? maybe i should sue knife manufacturers, because shit, dude, those things are fucking sharp! anyone else got any ideas? who would you sue and why? |
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