11.27.2003open mouth insert foot bowl
today i read something that made me smile.
texas christian university is about to reject an invitation for their football team to play in the GMAC bowl. now, the GMAC bowl is not the most prestigious bowl game in college football. few people probably even know that the GMAC bowl exists. hell, i'm one of them. personally, any bowl game named solely after a corporate sponsor is a bunch of bullshit anyway. seriously, does anyone really care who wins the EV1.net® bowl? or the outback steakhouse® bowl? or the trojan® ribbed for her pleasure bowl? of course not. besides, those "®" things get really annoying to type. the answer is "no" because nobody is going to remember in five years who won the 2003 capital one® bowl. i dare you to ask someone who won the galleryfurniture.com bowl in 2001. people will look at you funny. the names and corporate sponsors of the bowl games change so much from year to year that the bowls have no history; and the one thing that is crucial to a popular sporting event is that it has a rich and memorable history. back to my point... TCU is going to turn down the invitation to play in the game. why? because the bowl game is scheduled for the same week that TCU has final exams. the athletic director announced that the university would be unlikely to participate because the school's priority is to ensure that their student-athletes are seen as students first, and are properly educated. of course, TCU's decision has been met with opposition. the GMAC bowl president (doesn't it seem odd that someone's job is to be president of a mid-level college bowl game that gets played once a year?) was "shocked" to hear of the news. i don't have a problem with the bowl president being upset that TCU will not play. TCU vs. miami (ohio) would probably be a much more interesting and exciting game than would memphis or lousiville vs. miami. after all, TCU was undefeated until a week ago. but it's the way the president handled the news that really irks me. first, TCU's athletic director commented. "i understand why they want us, but on the flip side, i want them to understand that the priority for us this time of year is success in the classroom and in exams. there are alternatives to us." in response to that, the bowl prez made the following ridiculous statement, "i sympathize with them. i never would ask a school to disrupt anything. but we have a bowl to put on. we are honorable people and hope they can resolve any problems they have." okay. stop right there, johnny fuckball. first of all, if you would "never" ask a school to disrupt anything, then why are you pushing the issue? obviously, you would and are asking TCU to disrupt their final exams. the second problem i have is the display of arrogance. it's actually quite impressive. at least be honest and direct. just come right out and say to TCU, "how dare you turn down our offer! we are a corporate giant who pumps great big gobs of money into this football game. we are choosing you, the second-best team in conference USA to compete," (which they are required to do), "and you ungrateful bastards are supposed to unquestionably accept our invitation!" (which TCU is not required to do). finally, the notion that TCU is not an honorable institution, or at least that the GMAC bowl is more honorable, is ludicrous. what exactly makes TCU less honorable? they are not doing anything wrong. no school is required to accept a bowl invitation. especially when the bowl game is an insignificant one. especially when TCU can play in a different bowl game that does not conflict with their exams. maybe the GMAC bowl prez is just surprised that TCU chooses the education of its students over a $750,000 payout and national exposure for its football team. maybe the GMAC bowl prez is angry that his meaningless game is on espn2, which televises three other equally prestigious events like the silicon valley bowl, the san francisco bowl, and, of course, the tire bowl. actually, i was surprised by the story, but happy. then appalled (to see that the GMAC bowl had the nerve to be offended). then happy again (to see that TCU didn't give a rat's ass). it's refreshing to know that some people in positions of authority can do the right thing. hopefully it will happen more often. |
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